Short Photo Shoots
Flat rate price for photo shoots 45 minutes in length (or less).
Standard Photo Shoots
Hourly charge for photo shoots. Timing includes travel between locations if multiple locations are being used for backdrops.
Wedding Photo Shoots
Hourly charge for wedding photography. Service factors in photographing the ceremony, family/wedding party photo shoots before or after the ceremony, and reception coverage (if desired). Travel between locations is included in the timing if multiple locations are involved in the photo shoot.
Print Pricing
Prints can be ordered stand alone, or with a window matte one print size up (unless otherwise specified).
Print Size
4x6” = $1
5x7” = $5
7x10.5”/8x10” = $12
11x14” = $25
11x17” = $25
16x20” - $40
20x30” = $70
24x36” = $100
12x36” = $45
Wallet Print Sets
Set of 4 = $5
Set of 12 = $13
Set of 24 = $25
Set of 48 = $48
Set of 100 = $90
Window Matte Size
Price with Window Matte
Specialty Prints
See below for pricing on wall plaques, canvases, metal, and wood prints. If you are interested in non-standard sizes, contact the artist for more quotes.
8x12” = $80
11x14” = $100
16x20” = $175
20x24” = $208
20x30” = $270
24x36” = 395
12x36” = $225
Wall Plaques
8x10” = $45
10x10” = $55
11x14” = $70
16x20” = $125
20x24” = $175
20x30” = $225
8x12” = $80
12x18” = $140
16x24” = $225
20x24” = $255
20x30” = $320
24x36” = $500
12x36” = $250
8x12” = $80
11x17” = $120
16x24” = $215
~8.5x11” Tree Bark Print* = $30
~11x14” Tree Bark Print = $40
* Tree Bark Prints are are mounted to a tree ring with bark edges. Sizes are approximate as each circular print is unique in shape.
Miscellaneous Products
See below for pricing on wall plaques, canvases, metal, and wood prints. If you are interested in non-standard sizes, contact the artist for more quotes.
Pack of 12 Note Cards = $18
Pack of 24 Note Cards = $32
5x7” blank note cards with envelopes. The front of each note card features a 4x6” nature or bible verse print. Cards come in either vertical or horizontal orientation. Cards are perfect for mailing, but also could be placed in a 5x7” frame if desired. The photographer randomizes the cards in each pack based on current stock. You can request if you want more nature vs. bible verses, or vertical vs. horizontal cards in your contact form, or you can select your own cards at any of my upcoming events where cards can be purchased individually.
Bible Verse Bookmarks*
Standard Size = $1
Small Size = 2 for $1
Each bookmark features a bible verse and a nature print background. Standard bookmarks are 2x6.5”, Small bookmarks are 1.5x5.75”
* Bookmarks are sold only art upcoming art and craft fairs or as an add on item with any other print order made through the contact form.
Vinyl Stickers*
My vinyl stickers feature various landscapes/abstract scenes from Michigan. Each sticker is weather treated so that they can go on any surface without quickly fading due to moisture or sunlight.**
Michigan Stickers & Great Lake Stickers
Small Size Stickers = $4
Large Size Stickers = $6
Peninsula Stickers
Lower Peninsula = $5
Upper Peninsula = $5
Mix and match both peninsulas, get both for $8 ($2 discount).
* Stickers are sold only art upcoming art and craft fairs or as an add on item with any other print order made through the contact form.
** For stickers applied to drink ware, I recommend gentle handwashing the drink ware after use, stickers are untested in the dishwasher.
Bible Verse Calendars - $20
Seasonal item available only during August - December. Each month features a nature photograph taken in Michigan during the past year with a bible verse for each month. A small inventory of calendars are printed for art shows, or can be special ordered and printed as needed between August and December.
Photo Shoot Print CDs/Dropbox Files - $1/image
If you desire to print your own photos from your photo shoot, you can request to receive non-watermarked image files from the photographer at $1 per file. You can receive these files via a physical CD, or via a temporary Dropbox link that you can download the files from.