Where we have our thumb on the waters of the Huron, I take joy in wandering across the state to see new places. Granted it’s an area I haven’t explored as thoroughly in my years as a photographer yet, but every time I go there I can find something new to see, and the desire to explore further always pulls me back.
If you are interested in ordering a print from this gallery, contact the artist.
A Frame
Algonac State Park (2023)
Amber Reflections
Autumn Blue Jay (2023)
Autumn Perfection (2023)
Autumn Swamp (2023)
Autumn Trails (2023)
Blue Water Bridge
Buell Lake (2023)
Calming Pools
Chihuly Reflections
Colorado Columbine
Cranbrook Cascade (2023)
Curwood Castle
Dow Waterfall
Drone Fly on the Willow
Evenings at Aux Barques
Fort Gratiot Light
From Summer to Fall
Harbor Beach Lighthouse
Huron Sunrise (2023)
Iargo Springs
Kent Lake (2023)
Lake Erie (2023)
Lake Ovid (2023)
Marine Ecosystem
Morning Walk
Mornings on the Lake
Port Austin Lighthouse
Port Austin Sunset (2022)
Port Sanilac Lighthouse (2022)
Post Apocalyptic
Rainbow Reflections
Red Cedar Creek
Reflecting Bridge
Reflectig Clouds
Rustic Walk
Sandhill Crane (2023)
Shiawassee Wildlife refuge (2023)
Smooth Waters (2023)
Stepping Stone Falls
Swan Pair (2023)
Tawas Point Before Sunrise
Tawas Point Sunrise
The Cranbrook House (2023)
Under the Blue Water
White Rock Anchor
White Rock light