Summer 2024 Photography
Hello All!
It’s been a while. I know I haven’t been good about updating the blog lately, but I’m going to try and get back on track with that going forward. Part of the reason why I haven’t been good about it is because of a particularly busy summer for me, one of which that resulted in fewer photography outings compared to previous years.
To get caught up, I’ll share quickly the miscellaneous shots I captured throughout the season, and cap this post off with the photos from my annual summer excursion. This year, I traveled to the Alpena area to photograph the area and fill in a few more counties of my mosaic project. I’ll get into more detail of the trip amongst the pictures, but this time around I’ll be a bit more brief with the story telling.
With that, lets dive in!
A Mish-Mash of Shots
As I said above, I didn’t get out too much for photography this summer, it was a busy time with family activities filling up a lot of my weekends. I took one day to do some photography in the Muskegon area, but other than that, it was a shot here or there during the family camping trips, sunsets, thunderstorms, etc. So here’s a quick look at all of that:

Adventures in Alpena
In September, I took one of my annual trips to Northern Michigan to get some photos in new places for my mosaic project. On this trip, I focused on completing the counties of Antrim, Charlevoix, Otsego, Montmorency, and Alpena. I also revisited Oscoda county to fill in the gap I missed back in May during my camping adventure. We even got a little hint of some early fall colors as well.
In Antrim and Charlevoix counties, I’ve been through there and photographed many times on previous trips, so I made a few quick stops at various trails and beaches to fill in the tiny gaps. The only place left to visit in Charlevoix county is Beaver Island, but obviously that will take a special dedicated day or trip to visit.

In Ostego and Montmorency counties, there was a lot of vast farmlands that didn’t contribute much, but between those I scouted out a number of lakes, trails, and of course some old favorite haunts to finish out that segment of the Michigan map. It’s definitely a must to visit the Elk View Park while in the Gaylord area for sure.

In Alpena county, this was by far the highlight of my trip, with a lot of state parks along the shores of Lake Huron, I was treated to quarries, beaches, sinkholes, and of course the Alpena crib lighthouse. As part of this trip, I also scheduled a glass bottom shipwreck tour to see some of the wonders under the surface of Thunder Bay.

We then brought the summer to a close with a few quick stops in Oscoda county before driving back home.

With that, Summer comes to a close, and we enter fall. I have planned another trip to the U.P. for some fall adventures, so as soon as those photos have been taken and processed, I’ll have my Fall blog out to you, hopefully with some more story telling and back on my usual blogging schedule.
Thanks for reading!